The word “paralelepípedo” has its accentuation on the third syllable from right to left (pí), so it is classified as an esdrújula word. It is a geometric figure with 6 faces similar to a cube, of the “polyhedron” type, that is, a hexahedron, which is characterized by having a diagonal aspect. It consists of 14 characters and 6 syllables, which are the following: This word has its accentuation on the third syllable from right to left (có), so it is an esdrújula word (In Spanish “ esdrújula” ). It is a kind of “toy” or entertainment item thanks to its optical effect. This word refers to something changing or multiple, it is the adjective associated with the noun “kaleidoscope”, which is an object that has mirrors that form moving prisms.
There are many long words, these are some examples of very long words in Spanish: Caleidoscópico (Kaleidoscopic)